Cadastral Surveys

Cadastral surveys
Cadastral Surveys relate to surveys of the land and specifically the location of the boundaries. These surveys are a key part of the framework by which Land Titling in NSW is based. Cadastral surveys are to be undertaken by a Surveyor Registered under the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002.

Cadastral Surveys relate to surveys of the land and specifically the location of the boundaries. These surveys are a key part of the framework by which Land Titling in NSW is based. Cadastral surveys are to be undertaken by a Surveyor Registered under the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002.
Types of Cadastral surveys include:
- Subdivision:- Dividing land into smaller parcels of land
- Consolidation:- Consolidating multiple parcels into one Lot
- Acquisition:- Acquiring land for a specific purpose. Acquisitions are carried out by Statutory Authorities.
- Delimitation:- Confirming deed dimension of Old System parcels being brought under the Real Property Act.
- Easements Creation:- Creating rights over land in different ownership.
- Lease Purposes:- Where the lease area is related to the Cadastral boundaries.
These surveys involve the lodgement of a Deposited Plan at Land Registry Services (LRS) prepared by a Registered Surveyor. Upon registration of the Deposited Plan, LRS guarantee the legal boundaries of the subject land. Other forms of Cadastral surveys include:
- Identification Surveys: - Due diligence survey usually requested for property transactions.
- Boundary Marking: - Placement of an approved boundary mark to identify the land boundaries.
Cadastral surveys underpin land held under freehold or leasehold title. The majority of land ownership in NSW is held under freehold title and can include land held under Torrens Title, Old System Title, Strata Title and Community Titles. Government Land can be held in name of the individual department or may still be Crown Land.
Quality Assurance

DSP operates and maintains an Integrated Management System that has been externally audited by Global-Mark Pty Ltd and certified to comply with AS/NZS ISO 9001-2016: Quality Management Requirements, AS/NZS 4801-2001: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and AS/NZS ISO 14001- 2016: Environmental Management Systems. Ongoing external audits maintain our certification ensuring our staff implement and maintain an impeccable safety standard whilst providing clients with the highest quality products.
Technology & Capability
DSP are at the forefront of modern technology to capture field data, utilising the latest Leica and Trimble equipment to offer accurate and reliable results.
Such equipment includes high accuracy Total Stations with robotic operation, Laser Scanners, GPS with CORSNET capability, submillimetre digital Levels and data collection loggers for asset management/collection.
A professional suite of office software is employed for processing field data, from in-house developed least squares software and applications to commercial software packages such as Civilcad, 12d model, Bentley MX Road, Trimble Realworks, AutoCAD and Autodesk RECAP. DSP are able to offer a product to suit our clients’ needs.
With a fleet of vehicles compliant to the latest OH&S safety requirements, DSP can operate in all environments. All staff are trained and carry the relevant competencies including Rail Industry Worker, Rail Safety Worker, OH&S general induction for construction work, RMS Yellow Card and Substation Entry.
Technology & Capability
DSP are at the forefront of modern technology to capture field data, utilising the latest Leica and Trimble equipment to offer accurate and reliable results.
Such equipment includes high accuracy Total Stations with robotic operation, Laser Scanners, GPS with CORSNET capability, submillimetre digital Levels and data collection loggers for asset management/collection.
A professional suite of office software is employed for processing field data, from in-house developed least squares software and applications to commercial software packages such as Civilcad, 12d model, Bentley MX Road, Trimble Realworks, AutoCAD and Autodesk RECAP. DSP are able to offer a product to suit our clients’ needs.
With a fleet of vehicles compliant to the latest OH&S safety requirements, DSP can operate in all environments. All staff are trained and carry the relevant competencies including Rail Industry Worker, Rail Safety Worker, OH&S general induction for construction work, RMS Yellow Card and Substation Entry.
Let's talk
about your new project

Degotardi, Smith & Partners are consulting surveyors who specialise in small scale residential to large scale infrastructure projects. DSP continues to provide professional services from inception of project to completion.

Our company
Consulting Surveyors
1/9-11 Bridge Street
Pymble 2073
PH / +61 2 9440 1100
EMAIL / [email protected]